23-25 2024 音樂馬拉松@HKBUAS -「團結」
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- 發佈於:2024-10-25, 週五 00:00
2024 音樂馬拉松@HKBUAS -「團結」
Since the founding of A-School, one of our mission statements has always been to support students’ whole-person development and empower them to be artistically and creatively minded. The students’ development and various achievements in recent years clearly demonstrate the tangible results of the school's efforts. Indeed, the dedication of both students' efforts and parental support has been essential in contributing to today's outstanding achievements.
自創校以來 , A-School一直秉持 「全人為本 學子為先」 的教學理念 , 並致力發展同學 的表演藝術才及創造力 。從近年學生的發展及各項成就殊榮可見,學校的辦學成果乃有目共睹。當然更有賴學生的努力與家長的支持,才能擁有今日的佳績。
With our school’s mission statement in mind - focused on achieving whole-person development and cultivating students' artistic and cultural literacy - the 'Music Marathon @ HKBUAS' has become an annual grand event during Christmas since 2020. Now in its fourth year, this year's event continues to be organized by the Music Department and will feature contributions from renowned musician Mr. Carl Wong and famous director Mr. Fire Lee. Since September, students and class teachers have been working passionately to prepare for the performance. Each class will perform two songs on stage with their classmates and class teachers, aiming to create an unforgettable and enriching musical experience for the audience and fellow students.
為達致全人發展,並培育學生的藝術、文化素養,我們自2020年開始舉辦大型音樂活動「Music Marathon @ HKBUAS 」 已 成 為 聖 誕 節 的 年 度 盛 事。 踏入第四年,今年度的活動繼續由音樂部籌劃,並由著名音樂人王雙駿先生及著名導演火火先生為今年的演出加入不同的元素,學生與班主任早於9月份開始 準備是次表演,每班將會於台上表演兩首曲目,務求成就一場令觀眾及同學難忘和感恩的音樂盛宴。
The theme for this year is ' Unity .' Through music, students will express blessings, unite with one another, and share joy and praise for the birth of Jesus. In this student-led concert, students will not only appreciate music from the audience’s perspective but will also have the opportunity to experience the charm of music firsthand through their performances.
今年的主題為— 團結 ,同學透過音樂,細數恩典,凝聚彼此,共施喜樂及歌頌耶穌誕生。在這場由同學主演的音樂會中,學生除了可從觀眾的角度欣賞音樂,更重要的是他們可透過親身表演去體驗音樂的魅 力。
Ticket and souvenir revenue will cover the expenses of this stage performance. After deducting the aforementioned costs, the remaining balance will be allocated to our school's future development.
Parents will have the opportunity to enjoy our students’ fabulous performances by attending the events in person. Details of the events are listed below:
A. Performance Information 表演詳情
Ticketing and Souvenir Ordering
B. Ticketing Information 門票詳情
Please submit your order through the following Google Form on or before Friday, 8 November, 2024 .
請 於2024年11月8日(星期二)或以前 透過以下Google表格進行訂購。
PTA2325-25_20241219_2024 音樂馬拉松@HKBUAS - 團結 (updated 2024-10-25)
16th Parent-Teacher Association
第十六屆家長教師會 謹啓
25 th October, 2024
2024 年 10月 25日