23-25 APSC Badminton Fun Night (1) 晚上歡樂羽毛球課 (一)
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- 發佈於:2024-09-23, 週一 00:00
A-Parent Sports Club
Badminton Fun Night (1) 晚上歡樂羽毛球課 (一 )
The development of school and students relies on the support from parents. To enhance the sense of belonging to the school, a new platform "A-Parent Sports Club" (APSC) is established. APSC aims at connecting all parents and students who are interested in sports through different sport activities, such as badminton, table tennis and soccer, to provide opportunities for them to interact with each other. APSC has planned to provide a Badminton Trial Fun Nights for parents who are interested in badminton. The details of event are as follows:
家長在學校和學生的發展擔當著一個重要的角色。為了讓家長和學生對學校產生歸屬感,我們現建立一個嶄新的交流平台A-Parent Sports Club (APSC)。APSC旨在聚集所有對體育感興趣的學生和家長,並舉辦各種體育活動,例如羽毛球、乒乓球、足球等,以促進家長和學生們之間的交流,從而建立對學校的歸屬感。APSC現為有興趣打羽毛球的家長舉辦晚上歡樂羽毛球課,活動詳情如下:
Please note that Event 1 and Event 2 will be held at the same time.
請注意,活動(一 )和活動 (二 ) , 兩個活動將會同時進行 。
All participants must be a member of the association and agree to join APSC as a member.
參與者必須為本 會成員家長以及 同意参加 APSC並且成為 APSC會員 。
Event 1 活動 (一 )
Parent’s Free Practice Badminton Fun Night (Adults only, no child section)
家長成人班歡樂羽毛球夜 (只限成人,不設親子環節)
Content: Free practice only (No coach will be arranged)
內容:主要提供機會給參與者對打以及自由練習 。 (不設教練 )
Event 2 活動 (二 )
Parent’s Training Course for Beginners - (Group) (Adults only, no child section)
家長成人初級 訓練班 (團體 ) 適合 初學者,只限成人,不設親子環節)
Content: Training course designed by a professional coach to get grims on basic skills.
內容:將會有 一位 專業教練指導基本動作,以及提供機會給參與者對打以及自由練習 。
Event 1, 2活動 (一 ) (二 )
Every Friday 逢星期五
October十 月 : 4, 18, 25
November十一 月 : 8, 15, 22, 29
December十二 月 : 6, 13
January一 月 : 3, 10, 17, 24
13 sessions 十 三 個節數
Substitute Date替補日 :
February二 月 : 14
PTA2325-22_20241004_APSC羽毛球趣味之夜 (2024-09-06 updated)
PTA2325-22A_20241004_APSC羽毛球趣味之夜_確認名單 (2024-09-23 updated)
第十六 屆家長教師會謹啓
2024 年 9月 6日
23-25 2024升中慶典招募家長籌備小組成員
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- 發佈於:2024-09-21, 週六 00:00
G6 Promotion Celebration Lunch 2024-25
2024-25 年度升中慶典暨謝師午宴
(only for G6 parents 只適用於六年級家長)
Recruitment of “Parent Task Force” Members
小學升中是人生一個重要里程碑,每年同學及家長均會透過謝師活動,對學校及老師表達敬意,讓老師、升中同學都留下一個美好回憶。為使本年度畢業謝師活動順利舉行,特招募籌委會成員,歡迎各位家長參與籌備工作或表達意見。 小學升中是人生一個重要里程碑,每年同學及家長均會透過謝師活動,對學校及老師表達敬意,讓老師、升中同學都留下一個美好回憶。為使本年度畢業謝師活動順利舉行,特招募籌委會成員,歡迎各位家長參與籌備工作或表達意見。
由於謝師活動籌備需時,亦需要家長支持,擔任籌委及小組組長的工作。現招募最多12 位家長(每班最少兩位家長代表)、及指定兩位六年級家長教師會委員作「家長籌備小組」成員。請有興趣參與的家長於eNotice 回覆。`
如參加人數眾多,將以抽籤決定,獲邀名單將於9 月27 日(星期五) 下午經「校園最新消息」公布;未獲抽中的家長,恕不另行通知,請繼續支持學校舉辦的活動。第一次會議將於10 月5 日(星期六)早上11 時以 Zoom 形式舉行,請獲選家長務必預留時間出席。
家長請於9 月 16 日 (星期一) 中午12 時正前以eNotice 回覆及簽署。若有任何查詢,請於辦公時間致電 8101 2633 與家長教師會副主席蘇銘洋先生聯絡。
PTA2325-21_202507_升中慶典招募家長籌備小組成員 (updated 2024-09-13)
PTA2325-21A_202506_升中慶典家長籌備小組成員名單 (updated 2024-09-20)
PTA2325-21B_202506_升中慶典家長籌備小組_家長代表職能 (updated 2024-09-21)
第 16 屆家長教師會謹啓
2024 年 9 月 13 日
23-25 共賀國慶75周年親子立體賀卡及海報設計比賽
- 詳細內容
- 發佈於:2024-09-13, 週五 00:00
Celebrating the 75th Anniversary of the National Day Parent-child 3D Greeting Card and Poster Design Competition
Dear Parents,
As the nation celebrates the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the Parent-Teacher Association is now organizing the "Celebrate the 75th Anniversary Parent-Child Three-dimensional Greeting Card and Poster Design Competition" to encourage students to display their talents and creativity, and take the opportunity to express their support for the future development of the motherland and Hong Kong. Hope, improve citizenship and sense of belonging.
活動一名稱Name of Activity 1
Celebrating the 75th Anniversary of the National Day Parent-child 3D Greeting Card Competition
The card must contains blessings for the country
活動二名稱Name of Activity 2
Celebrating the 75th Anniversary of the National Day Parent-child Poster Design Competition
The work is based on the creative concept of "me and my home"
PTA2325-17A_共賀國慶75周年親子立體賀卡及海報設計比賽 (updated 2024-09-13)
主席 黃家豪 謹啟
23-25 家教會家長義工於早上當值事宜
- 詳細內容
- 發佈於:2024-09-17, 週二 00:00
PTA2325-24_20240919_家教會家長義工於早上當值事宜 (updated 2024-09-17)
23-25 家長教師會會費及第十六屆常務委員會周年大會事宜
- 詳細內容
- 發佈於:2024-09-13, 週五 00:00
PTA Membership Fee and 16th PTA Annual General Meeting
Dear Parent:
轉眼已 踏入九月,本年度家長教師會的工作已接近尾聲,「家長教師會周年大會」將於本年 11 月16 日 (星期六 )上午舉行,詳細安排將稍後通知家長。
In September 2024, the work of this year is coming to an end. This year PTA Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held in the morning of 16th November 2024 (Saturday), details will be announced later.
在周年大會中,本人謹此衷心呼籲各位家長(基本會員 ) 撥冗光臨,因為你的蒞臨對我們而言正是最大的支持,而你的 參與 更能鞏固家長教師會的基礎,以實踐家校合作,使我們的子女在一個不斷優化的學習環境中茁壯成長。
At AGM, I sincerely invited parents (basic member) to join, your presence is our greatest support and your participates will strengthen the formation and cooperation PTA, to continuously provide a great learning environment for our children.
根據會章,凡現就讀本校學生之家長或法定監護人,均自動成為本會基本會員。基本會員之會藉以家庭為單位,每學年只需繳交一次會費, 基本會員之會費 HK$100 將經學校 eClass 於 9月 30 日在較年幼子女戶口收取 (如有多於一名子女在本校就讀 )。家長如對基本會員會籍有任何查詢,請於 9 月 16 日或以前致電 26372270 與陳佩柔老師聯絡。
According to the article of association, for existing student’s parent or guardian, will automatically become the basic member of PTA, with each family as a unit, and membership will only pay once per academic year, membership fee for basic member is HK$100 and will pay through school eClass of youngest children (if more than one child is studying in this school) on 30th September 2024. If parent has any queries relating on basic membership, please contact Ms. Chan Pui Yau at 26372270 on or before 16 September.
除繳交會費外, 本會亦歡迎各會員就本會以下不同之項目作出捐款 , 捐款屬自願性質 , 家長可選擇為 「家愛同行」 或 「家校建設」 作出捐款 , 收到的捐款均會全數撥入該項目內 .
Apart from membership, PTA also welcome members to donate for the following projects. Donations are voluntary, parent can donate either “We Care” or “Home School Construction”, donations received will be allocated to the said projects.
PTA2325-18_20241116_家長教師會會費及第十六屆常務委員會周年大會事宜 (updated 2024-09-13)
HKBUAS Wong Kam Fai Secondary & Primary School
第十六 屆 家長教師會
The 16th Parent-Teacher Association
主席 黃家豪 謹啟
Chairperson Karl Wong
2024年 9月 13日
13th September, 2024