21-23 2023家愛翱翔便服日
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- 發佈於:2023-04-28, 週五 00:00
WeProud Dress Casual Day 2023
「2023 家愛翱翔便服日」
我校同學近年於不同領域表現卓越,屢獲殊榮,身為A-School 的一分子,倍感光榮。有見及此,家長教師會為培養多元文化,宣傳正面價值觀,發揮家校合作的精神,現正式設立「家愛翱翔」獎學及獎教金,以表揚我校在不同領域表現優秀的同學,包括學術、體育、藝術、領袖及服務等,更表揚我校優秀良師,以彰顯我校「全人教育」的辦學宗旨,加強師生對學校的歸屬感。家長教師會誠意於2023 年5 月12 日舉辦 「2023 家愛翱翔便服日」。我們希望通過這個慈善活動讓家長為我校優秀的辦學成果出一分力,培養學生多欣賞他人的良好素質。活動所得捐款將全數撥歸「家愛翱翔」獎學及獎教金,我們在此呼籲家長鼓勵學生參加「2023 家愛翱翔便服日」。詳情如下:
日期:2023 年5 月12 日 (星期五)
Theme 主題: Colorful Welcome Early Summer 繽紛色彩迎初夏 (Secondary School 中學部)
8 月11 日當日為我校AGT 總決賽活動日,為配合學生的各展繽紛
Theme 主題: The Future Me 穿上你的未來 (Primary School 小學部)
第15 屆家長教師會謹啓
2023 年4月28 日
21-23 家長學堂將系列親子工作坊 (戶外體驗日),
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- 發佈於:2023-04-17, 週一 00:00
Dear Parents,
As the epidemic trend continued to be stabilised, students return to campus, and our work and life gradually return to normal! Taking this opportunity, The Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) and the A-Parent Education Academy (PEA) will jointly organize a series of parent-child workshops on campus (Oudoor Experience Day). We hope that everyone enjoy your parent-child quality time and social with other parents during face-to-face gatherings.
隨著疫情的逐步緩和,學生得以重回校園,我們的工作與生活也漸漸恢復正常!藉此機會,家長教師會及家長學堂將合辦系列親子工作坊 (戶外體驗日),讓大家在面對面的相聚中,不僅可以享受與子女的親子時光,更可以與其他家長的暢談。
Date: April 15, 2023 (Saturday)
日期:2023 年 4 月 15 日(星期六)
Time: 09:00 p.m. – 18:00 p.m. (4 sessions)
時間:中午 9 時 00 分至下午 6 時 00 分 (分四個時段)
Venue: HKBUAS Primary Division artium G/F
Workshops: 工作坊 (戶外體驗日):
I 親子攀石體驗 (每時段最多10個家庭名額) 反應十分熱烈加開兩個時段
II 親子歴奇繩網挑戰體驗 (每時段最多40個家庭名額)
III 新興運動 芬蘭木柱及布袋球 (每時段最多20個家庭名額)
Fee: Charges vary in different workshops. Please refer to the appendix of this notice.
Language 語言:Cantonese 粵語
家長不用選擇 (工作坊時段一 或 時段二 ) 成功報名後,由 PTA 因應報名級別人數作出活動安 排。
PTA2123-41_20230415_家長學堂系列-親子工作坊(戶外體驗日) (2023-3-8 updated)
PTA2123-41A_20230415_家長學堂系列-親子工作坊_出席名單 (2023-4-14 updated)
(2023-4-17 photos sharing updated)
第十五屆家長教師會 謹啓
21-23 A-School專用口罩3
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- 發佈於:2023-02-17, 週五 00:00
A-School Themed Face Mask
Dear Members,
為了感謝全校師生及家長於抗疫及守護同學健康上的付出和努力,家長教師會特地以本校標誌及顏色為元素設計並訂造了三款防疫口罩 供 家長訂購 ,同學可於上課或參加學校活動時佩戴,以展現對學校的支持。 有關口罩的規格及其他詳情,請參閱以下表格 。
To appreciate our students, parents and teachers’ effort in fighting the pandemic, the PTA has designed and ordered 3 types of surgical masks with our school’s logo and theme color for parents to order. Students are encouraged to put on the masks during normal school days or when participating school events to show support to the school as well as demonstrate the spirit of belonging. For the manufacturing specification and other details of the masks, please refer to the table below.
小童 Kid Size 145 mm x 85mm (M) **
中童 Medium Size 165mm x 85mm (M+) **
成人 Adult Size 175mm x 95mm (L) ##
** 每款設計各10個 10 pieces for each design
## 設計一及二各15個 15 pieces for Design 1 and 2
第十五 屆 家長教師會
2023年 2月 17日
21-23 代訂快速抗原測試5
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- 發佈於:2023-02-17, 週五 00:00

Dear Parents,
Students have already resumed face to face lessons in phases. According to the latest EDB guideline, all teachers, staff and students are required to complete a RAT every day before returning to school.
PTA has sourced YHLO RATs (HK$160 per pack with 30 test units included) for parents to order. YHLO is one of the listed devices that meet the listing requirements of the Medical Device Administrative Control System (MDACS) on safety, quality and performance. (https://www.mdd.gov.hk/en/whats-new/rapid-antigen-tests-covid-19/index.html).
YHLO快速抗原測試將會在2月中開始提供。如家長欲透過家教會購買,請於2023年2月19 日(星期日)或之前回覆通告。
YHLO RAT kits will be available in early May. If parents are interested in ordering through the PTA, please kindly reply to the circular by Sunday, 19 February 2023.
We want to take this opportunity to encourage all parents to get their child vaccinated. Please stay safe and vigilant.
We wish you and your child an incredibly positive and successful school life.
21-23 APSC Badminton Fun Night (2) 晚上歡樂羽毛球課 (二)
- 詳細內容
- 發佈於:2023-02-03, 週五 00:00
A-Parent Sports Club
Badminton Fun Night (2) 晚上歡樂羽毛球課 (二 )
The development of school and students relies on the support from parents. To enhance the sense of belonging to the school, a new platform "A-Parent Sports Club" (APSC) is established. APSC aims at connecting all parents and students who are interested in sports through different sport activities, such as badminton, table tennis and soccer, to provide opportunities for them to interact with each other. APSC has planned to provide a Badminton Trial Fun Nights for parents who are interested in badminton. The details of event are as follows:
家長在學校和學生的發展擔當著一個重要的角色。為了讓家長和學生對學校產生歸屬感,我們現建立一個嶄新的交流平台 A-Parent Sports Club APSC)。 APSC旨在聚集所有對體育感興趣的學生和家長,並舉辦各種體育活動,例如羽毛球、乒乓球、足球等,以促進家長和學生們之間的交流,從而建立對學校的歸屬感。 APSC現為有興趣打羽毛球的家長舉辦晚上歡樂羽毛球課,活動詳情如下:
Please note that Event 1 and Event 2 will be carried out at the same time.
請注意,活動(一)和 活動 (二) , 兩個活動將會同時進行。
All participants must be the member of the association and agree to join the APSC membership.
參與者必須為本會成員家長以及同意加入成為 APSC會員。
Event 1 活動 (一)
Parent’s Free Practise Badminton Fun Night (Adults only, no child section)
Content: Free practice only (No coaching)
內容:主要提供機會給參與者對打以及自由練習 。 (不設教練 )
Event 2 活動 (二)
Parent’s Training Course for Beginners - (Group) (Adults only, no child section)
家長成人初級訓練班(團體) (適合初學者,只限成人,不設親子環節)
Content: Training course designed by professional coach to practice on basic skills
內容:將會有一位專業教練指導基本動作,以及提供機會給參與者對打以及自由練習 。
Event 1, 2 活動(一) (二)
Every Thursday 逢星期四
Feburary 二月: 23
March 三月: 2, 16, 23, 30
April 四月: 20, 27
May 五月: 4, 11, 18, 25
June 六月: 1, 8, 15
14 sessions 十四個節數
替補日: 星期五,日期待定
Substitute Date:
Friday, date to be announced
PTA2123-37A-B_20230223_APSC_Badminton_Fun_Night_確認名單 (20230210 updated)
第十五屆家長教師會 謹啓