23-25 電影欣賞 (4 拍4 家族)

「家長學堂 A-Parent Education Academy」
電影欣賞 –4 拍4 家族 Movie Appreciation – Band Four
<4 拍4 家族> 是一齣講述決心踏上國際舞台的Band Four 主音Cat (謝安琪 飾)自小崇拜結他手父親家勁,King (泰迪羅賓 飾),父親卻在她十歲時離家出走。廿多年後,Cat 媽病逝,父女在火葬場內重逢,此
時,Cat 多了9 歲兒子Riley(陳諾霆 飾),家勁攜帶了女兒樂弦(Anna hisbbuR 飾)回來。四人忽然同一屋簷下,一個家四種聲音,各有掙扎、秘密與恐懼,難以溝通。音樂是四人唯一的共通點,當透過音樂四人開始合拍互相聆聽時,Band Four 卻面臨更大難關。(資料來源: 香港電影 : 4 拍4 家族)
日期 : 2023年11月5日 (星期六日)
Date : 5 November 2023 (Sunday)
Due to the overwhelming response to this event, it is now divided into two sessions.
The list is arranged as follows:
由於人數眾多,特別加開House 3場次。放映時間將安排如下:
G1-G6家庭  :安排 House 1 放映時間為10:15 (報到/取票 9:45)
G7-G12家庭:安排 House 3 放映時間為10:55 (報到/取票 10:30)
如有任何查詢,請WhatsApp 51802633。
Festival Grand Cinema (Kowloon Tong)
地點 : 九龍九龍塘達之路80 號又一城UG 層
Venue : Level UG, Festival Walk, 80 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong, Kowloon
交通安排 : 家長需自行安排
Transportation : Self-arranged
費用 : 本校學生或佔座家庭成員每人$40
Fee : A-School students or family members who occupy a seat $40/person



23-25 活力校園跑樓梯競技大賽及 藍曬氰版親子工作坊



    本會將於2023年10月28日(星期六)上午舉行一年一度大型親子及籌款活動- 活力校園跑樓梯競技大賽及首次舉辨的藍曬氰版親子手工藝工作坊。今年度籌得之款項,將全數撥入家長教師會之「家校建設」。當中藍曬氰版工作坊籌得的款項,更會為新建的「Arts Lab」添置視藝物品之用,使學生於藝術上能拓展更多的可能,為所有同學打造優質的學習環境,同時亦為各家長及同學提供一個活力充沛及有益身心的活動。
We want to thank all parents to participate PTA’s AGM and associated events on 28 October 2023. Please take note on the schedule of all events as below.
Event 1 – AGM of PTA
Date : 28th October 2023 (Saturday)
Time : 9:00am (Registration begin at 08:30 am)
時間:上午9:00 (上午8:30 開始登記)
Event 2 – Stair Sprinting Competition
(二) 活力校園跑樓梯競技大賽
Event Details: The competition will take place in the primary and secondary sections. Participants will race around different staircases and floors of the school in the competition. The official race route and format will be tailored according to the abilities of participants in different categories. Details will be announced on the PTA website before October 20, 2023.
Date : 28th October 2023 (Saturday)
Time : 10:30am (Registration begin at 08:30 am)
時間:上午10:30 (上午8:30 開始登記)
Event 3 Blue Cyanotype Parent-Child Workshop
Event Details:
Cyanotype is a photographic process which produces cyan-blue prints by using sunlight. During your time with us, you’ll learn how to coat your own papers and a cotton bag with cyanotype solution and use a range of natural materials, plants and found objects to expose onto the paper and a cotton bag, creating a series of experimental imagery.
Date: 28th October 2023, Time: 10:30a.m.-12:00noon
Please sign and reply via eNotice on or before Sunday, 15 October, 2023. For any enquiries, please whatsapp 5180 2633 or phone directly to 8101 2633.
請於10月15日(星期日)或之前以eNotice回覆。如有任何查詢,請whatsapp 5180 2633,或致電8101 2633 與家教會聯絡。

PTA2325-07_20231028_活力校園跑樓梯競技大賽及藍曬氰版親子工作坊 (2023-10-06 updated)

PTA2325-07A_跑樓梯贊助表格 (2023-10-11 updated)

PTA2325-07B_20231028_活力校園跑樓梯競技大賽及藍曬氰版親子工作坊 參加名單及提示 (2023-10-26 updated)

結果公佈 Result Announcement : 12:35pm (tentative)
頒獎時段 Prize Presentation : 12:45pm (tentative)
或掃描以下QR code
香港浸會大學附屬學校王錦輝中小學家長教師會- 第十五屆家長教師會謹啓
2023 年10月6日

23-25 APSC Badminton Fun Night (1) 晚上歡樂羽毛球課 (一)

A-Parent Sports Club
Badminton Fun Night (1) 晚上歡樂羽毛球課 (一 )
The development of school and students relies on the support from parents. To enhance the sense of belonging to the school, a new platform "A-Parent Sports Club" (APSC) is established. APSC aims at connecting all parents and students who are interested in sports through different sport activities, such as badminton, table tennis and soccer, to provide opportunities for them to interact with each other. APSC has planned to provide a Badminton Trial Fun Nights for parents who are interested in badminton. The details of event are as follows:
家長在學校和學生的發展擔當著一個重要的角色。為了讓家長和學生對學校產生歸屬感,我們現建立一個嶄新的交流平台A-Parent Sports Club (APSC)。APSC旨在聚集所有對體育感興趣的學生和家長,並舉辦各種體育活動,例如羽毛球、乒乓球、足球等,以促進家長和學生們之間的交流,從而建立對學校的歸屬感。APSC現為有興趣打羽毛球的家長舉辦晚上歡樂羽毛球課,活動詳情如下:
Please note that Event 1 and Event 2 will be held at the same time.
請注意,活動(一 )和活動 (二 ) , 兩個活動將會同時進行 。
All participants must be a member of the association and agree to join APSC as a member.
參與者必須為本 會成員家長以及 同意参加 APSC並且成為 APSC會員 。
Event 1 活動 (一 )
Parent’s Free Practice Badminton Fun Night (Adults only, no child section)
家長成人班歡樂羽毛球夜 (只限成人,不設親子環節
Content: Free practice only (No coach will be arranged)
內容:主要提供機會給參與者對打以及自由練習 。 (不設教練 )
Event 2 活動 (二 )
Parent’s Training Course for Beginners - (Group) (Adults only, no child section)
家長成人初級 訓練班 (團體 ) 適合 初學者,只限成人,不設親子環節)
Content: Training course designed by a professional coach to get grims on basic skills.
內容:將會有 一位 專業教練指導基本動作,以及提供機會給參與者對打以及自由練習 。
Event 1, 2活動 (一 ) (二 )
Every Friday 逢星期 五
October十 月 : 13, 20, 27
November十一 月 : 10, 17, 24
December十二 月 : 8, 15
January一 月 : 5, 12, 19, 26
February二 月 : 2
13 sessions 十 三 個節數
Substitute Date替補日 : February二 月 : 23
2023 年 10月 6日

23-25 週年會員大會及常務委員會選舉暨就職典禮會議議程

第十 五屆家長教師會週年會員大會 暨家長學堂頒獎典禮
第十 六屆常務委員會 選舉暨就職典禮
The 15th PTA Annual General Meeting cum PEA Prize Presentation Ceremony and
The Election for the 16th Standing Committee of
PTA cum Inauguration Ceremony
本會謹定於2023年10月28日(星期六) 上午 9:00 假本校禮堂舉行第十五屆家長教師會週年會員大會暨家長學堂頒獎禮及第十六屆常務委員會選舉暨就職典禮,屆時將匯報上年度會務報告及財政收支, 並即席依章選出新一屆常務委員。
The 15th PTA Annual General Meeting (AGM) cum PEA Prize presentation ceremony and the election for 16th Standing Committee of PTA cum inauguration ceremony will be held at school hall on Saturday, 28 October 2023 at 09:00am. The 15th PTA annual report and financial report will be presented and the PTA members will then vote for the 16th Standing Committee of PTA according to the association of PTA.
The information and manifesto of the candidates for 16th Standing Committee of PTA will be uploaded to the PTA website in early October. There are a total of 7 candidates in the Secondary
section and they will be automatically elected according to the constitution because they do not exceed the number of parents Standing committee member. There are a total of 12 candidates in the Primary Division. Each attending family will receive one ballot paper for vote on that day. 8 candidates from
Primary section with the highest number of votes and 8 school representatives will be elected for the 16th Standing Committee of PTA and the inauguration ceremony will be held on that day. We are now inviting parents to attend the AGM. Details are as follows:
For the consideration of the environment, the 15th PTA annual, financial report and other related documents will be uploaded to the PTA website from 4 November onwards.
第十五 屆 香港浸會大學附屬學校王錦輝中小學家長教師會 上
2023年 10月 6日

23-25 第十六屆家長教師會常務委員會選舉安排

Arrangement for the 16th PTA Standing Committee Election 2023-2025
Dear Members,
The PTA Annual General Meeting cum Prize Presentation Ceremony of A-Parent Education Academy and the Standing Committee Election will be held on October 28, 2023 (Saturday) at 9:30 a.m. at our school hall. As of September 28, 2023, the PTA has received 12 applications from the parents of Primary Division and 8 applications from the parents of Secondary Division. According to Article 5.1, Chapter 5 of the PTA Constitution, the PTA Standing Committee consists of a maximum of 24 members, including 8 ex-officio members and 16 basic members (8 parents from the Primary Division and 7 parents from the Secondary Division) with a term of two years. The 16th Standing Committee will be formed by 8 candidates from the Primary Division with the highest vote, together with 7 representatives from the Secondary Division and 8 school representatives. The Inauguration Ceremony will also be held on the same day.
Please keep the ballot paper well and cast your vote according to the above procedures.
We appreciate your support to this election!
PTA Election Committee
Oct 6, 2023