23-25 APSC Badminton Fun Night (2) 羽毛球趣味之夜 (二)

A-Parent Sports Club
Badminton Fun Night (2) 羽毛球趣味之夜(二)
    The development of our school and students relies on the support from parents. To enhance the sense
of belonging to the school, we continue to develop the sports platform, "A-Parent Sports Club" (APSC) this year. APSC aims at connecting parents and students who are interested in sports through different sport activities, such as badminton, table tennis and soccer, and providing opportunities for them to interact with each other. APSC is going to hold Badminton Fun Nights for parents who enjoy playing badminton. Details of the events are as follows:
續拓展運動交流平台A-Parent Sports Club (APSC)。APSC 旨在透過舉辦各種體育活動,例如羽毛球、乒乓球、足球等,聚集對體育感興趣的家長和學生,為他們提供相互交流的機會。APSC 現為喜歡打羽毛球的家長舉辦羽毛球趣味之夜,活動詳情如下:
Please note that Event 1 and Event 2 will be carried at the same time.
請注意,活動(一)和活動(二) , 兩個活動將會同時進行。
All participant must be member of association and agree to join APSC as member.
參與者必須為本會成員家長以及同意参加 APSC 並且成為APSC 會員。
Event 1 活動 (一 )
Parents’ Badminton Fun Night -- Free Practice (Adults only. No parent-child session.)
家長羽毛球趣味之夜--自由練習 (只限成人,不設親子環節)
Content: Free practice only (No coaching.)
內容:主要提供機會給參與者對打及自由練習 。 不設教練
Event 2 活動 (二 )
Parents’ Badminton Training Course for Beginners - (Group) (For beginners and adults only.
No child section.)
家長羽毛球初級訓練班 (團體) 只 適合 成人 初學者,不設親子環節)
Content: The training course is designed by a professional coach with an aim to grasping the basic
skills in playing badminton.
內容:課程由 專業教練 設計, 目的是讓 學員能掌握 打 羽毛球的基本技巧 。
Event 1, 2 活動(一) (二)
Every Friday 逢星期 五
February : 14, 21, 28
March : 7, 14, 28
April : 11
May : 2, 9, 16, 23, 30
June : 6
13 sessions 十 三 個節數
Dates for Make-up Sessions
替補日 :
June : 20, 27
第十六 屆家長教師會謹啓
2025 年 1月 17日