21-23 家長學堂將系列親子工作坊 (戶外體驗日),


Dear Parents,
As the epidemic trend continued to be stabilised, students return to campus, and our work and life gradually return to normal! Taking this opportunity, The Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) and the A-Parent Education Academy (PEA) will jointly organize a series of parent-child workshops on campus (Oudoor Experience Day). We hope that everyone enjoy your parent-child quality time and social with other parents during face-to-face gatherings.
隨著疫情的逐步緩和,學生得以重回校園,我們的工作與生活也漸漸恢復正常!藉此機會,家長教師會及家長學堂將合辦系列親子工作坊 (戶外體驗日),讓大家在面對面的相聚中,不僅可以享受與子女的親子時光,更可以與其他家長的暢談。
Date: April 15, 2023 (Saturday)
日期:2023 年 4 月 15 日(星期六)
Time: 09:00 p.m. – 18:00 p.m. (4 sessions)
時間:中午 9 時 00 分至下午 6 時 00 分 (分四個時段)
Venue: HKBUAS Primary Division artium G/F
Workshops: 工作坊 (戶外體驗日):
I 親子攀石體驗 (每時段最多10個家庭名額) 反應十分熱烈加開兩個時段
II 親子歴奇繩網挑戰體驗 (每時段最多40個家庭名額)
III 新興運動 芬蘭木柱及布袋球 (每時段最多20個家庭名額)
Fee: Charges vary in different workshops. Please refer to the appendix of this notice.
Language 語言:Cantonese 粵語
家長不用選擇 (工作坊時段一 或 時段二 ) 成功報名後,由 PTA 因應報名級別人數作出活動安 排。 

PTA2123-41_20230415_家長學堂系列-親子工作坊(戶外體驗日) (2023-3-8 updated)

(2023-4-17 photos sharing updated)
第十五屆家長教師會 謹啓