21-23 A-School專用口罩3

A-School Themed Face Mask
Dear Members,
     為了感謝全校師生及家長於抗疫及守護同學健康上的付出和努力,家長教師會特地以本校標誌及顏色為元素設計並訂造了三款防疫口罩 供 家長訂購 ,同學可於上課或參加學校活動時佩戴,以展現對學校的支持。 有關口罩的規格及其他詳情,請參閱以下表格 。
     To appreciate our students, parents and teachers’ effort in fighting the pandemic, the PTA has designed and ordered 3 types of surgical masks with our school’s logo and theme color for parents to order. Students are encouraged to put on the masks during normal school days or when participating school events to show support to the school as well as demonstrate the spirit of belonging. For the manufacturing specification and other details of the masks, please refer to the table below.
小童 Kid Size 145 mm x 85mm (M) **
中童 Medium Size 165mm x 85mm (M+) **
成人 Adult Size 175mm x 95mm (L) ##
** 每款設計各10個 10 pieces for each design
## 設計一及二各15個 15 pieces for Design 1 and 2
第十五 屆 家長教師會
2023年 2月 17日