21-23 有關校董會家長校董選舉事宜
- 詳細內容
- 發佈於:2022-12-16, 週五 00:00
2023-2025 有關校董會家長校董選舉事宜
Dear Parents,
Thanks you for your continuous support, the PTA has been acting as a bridge between the school and parents by working in a close relationship with the school and organizing a series of activities for parents and students.
In order to encourage parents to participate in school affairs and provide opinions for student development, the School Management Committee has approved to introduce school managers (parent representatives) since 2012. In light of such an arrangement, the School Management Committee invited the PTA to provide opinions on the election of parent managers.
家長教師會本着公平、公正、公開之原則,家長校董經一家庭二票(小學部及中學部各一票)直選產生。為此,本會已於2012年7月10日舉行特別會員大會,通過經修訂之家長教師會會章,以及會章附則--有關校董會家長校董事宜(修訂一) (「校董附則」),作為家長校董與家長教師會的行為約章。
Under the principles of fairness, justice and transparency, the PTA suggested direct election with two votes from each family (one for the primary division and one for the secondary division). To achieve this, the PTA held a special genearal assembly on July 10, 2012 and approved such amendment to the PTA Constitutions, as well as the By-Laws of the election of parent managers. These will serve as guidelines for parent managers and the PTA.
如欲參選,請於2022年12月2日(星期五) 前把已填妥的「校董會家長校董參選表格」及「校董會家長校董提名表格」[註1]交校務處以轉交本會。此外,教育局將於11月底委託香港中文大學舉辦「校董培訓班」,有意報讀家長可自行報名參與。
If any parent is interested in running for the election, please return the election forms to the PTA through the Administration Office by Friday, December 2, 2022. Interested parents may also enrol in the Manager Training Program conducted by CUHK commissioned by the EDB in late November.
Website for the Manager Training Program: https://www.hkier.cuhk.edu.hk/schoolmanager
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For enquiries, please email to
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PTA2123-33_20221118_校董會家長校董選舉事宜 (2022-11-25 updated)
PTA2123-33_20221118_附則(修訂一) (2022-11-25 updated)
PTA2123-33_20221118_家長校董選舉中須留意的道德操守 (2022-11-25 updated)