21-23 代訂快速抗原測試3
- 詳細內容
- 發佈於:2022-09-16, 週五 00:00
Dear Parents,
According to the latest guidelines from the EDB, all teachers, school staff and students are required to undergo daily RAT before returning to school.
家教會將以每套港幣$ 6 的價格購買YHLO 快速抗原測試包供家長訂購(每盒為$180,有30 套檢測包)。YHLO 是符合醫療行政管理制度(MDACS)關於安全、質量及表現要求的其中一款醫療儀器。(https://www.mdd.gov.hk/tc/whats-new/rapid-antigen-tests-covid-19/index.html)
PTA has sourced YHLO RATs at HK$6 per test kit (HK$180 per pack with 30 test units included) for parents to order. YHLO is one of the listed devices that meet the listing requirements of the Medical Device Administrative Control System (MDACS) on safety, quality and performance. (https://www.mdd.gov.hk/en/whats-new/rapid-antigen-tests-covid-19/index.html).
YHLO 快速抗原測試包將會在10 月初開始派發。如家長欲透過家教會購買,請於2022年9月26日 (星期一)或之前回覆通告。
YHLO RAT kits will be available in early October. If parents are interested in ordering through the PTA, please kindly reply to the circular by Monday, 26 September 2022.
We want to take this opportunity to encourage all parents to get their child vaccinated. Please stay safe and vigilant.
We wish you and your child an incredibly positive and successful school life.