21-23 家長親子工作坊 II

Dear Parents,
As the epidemic trend continued to be stabilised, students’ school life and our daily life gradually return to normal! Taking this opportunity, the The Parent-Teacher Association and the A-Parent Education Academy will jointly organize a series of parent-child workshops in school campus. We hope that everyone enjoy your parent-child quality time and social with other parents during face-toface gatherings.
Date: June 11, 2022 (Saturday)
日期:2022 年 6 月 11 日(星期六)
Time: 14:00 p.m. - 16:15 p.m. (2 sessions)
時間:下午 2 時 00 分至下午 4 時 15 分 (分兩時段)
Venue: HKBUAS school Hall and Classrooms (Venues will be announced later.)
地點:香港浸會大學王錦輝中小學禮堂及課室 (具體地點稍後公佈)
Workshops: 工作坊:
A. 親子舞蹈「同樂日」Parent-Child Workshop: Chinese Dance Together
B. 手工藝製作 Handicraft Workshops
B1. 泡泡浴球工作坊 Bubble Bath Bomb Workshop
B2. 驅蚊手作品工作坊 Mosquito Repellent Workshop
B3. 酒精墨水DIY 手機殼工作坊Alcohol Ink Phone Case Workshop
B4. 自製人名搖搖杯 Shake Shake Calming Bottle Workshop
Fee: Charges vary in different workshops. Please refer to the appendix of this notice.
Language 語言:Cantonese 粵語
Payment Method 付款方式:
Parents can pay the workshop fee through the PPS system.
Phone no.: 18033 or online payment: www.ppshk.com (Merchant Code : 6629)
使用電話致電 : 18033 或網上繳費服務 : www.ppshk.com (商戶編號 : 6629)
   For details, please refer to PTA circular PTA1920-05 https://bit.ly/2SKB01J
   詳細繳費方法可參閱 PTA 通告PTA1920-05 https://bit.ly/2SKB01J
** The list of confirmed participants will be posted on the PTA website and eClass on June 2, 2022.
Please wait for the confirmation from the list before paying the workshop fee through PPS.
** 參加者確認名單於2022年6月2日在家教會網頁及 eClass 公布,請待名單確認後才透過繳費靈
Each family* can only enroll two of the workshops (except participating ‘Parent-Child Workshop: Chinese Dance Together’). Places will be allocated by drawing lots if the applications exceed the quota.
*Each family unit can be formed with one of the parents, the couple or one parent with one student.
第十五屆家長教師會 謹啓