23-25 家長教師會會費及成立第十六屆常務委員會選舉事宜

PTA Membership Fee and the 16th Executive Committee Election
Dear Parents,
轉眼已踏入九月,第十五屆家長教師會的工作已接近尾聲,本年度「家長教師會周年大會暨家長學堂頒獎典禮」將於本年10 月28 日(星期六)上午舉行,詳細安排將稍後通知家長。
As we have approached September, the term of service of the 15th PTA Executive Committee is coming to an end. For this year, the PTA Annual General Meeting (AGM) cum Parent Education Academy (PEA) award ceremony will be held in the morning of 28 October 2023 (Saturday), details will be announced in due course.
在周年大會中,將會選出新一屆常務委員會的家長委員。本人謹此衷心呼籲各位家長(基本會員) 撥冗光臨,您的蒞臨對我們而言是最大的支持,而您的投票對家長教師會的組成尤為重要,更能使我們的子女在一個積極及有效的學習環境中茁壯成長。
In the coming AGM, the new Executive Committee will be elected. I hereby sincerely invite all parents (basic members) to participate, as your presence is our greatest support and your vote is essential to the formation of the PTA, fostering the growth of our children in a positive and effective learning environment.
Apart from voting, each basic member can also run for the election. Your participation will benefit the development of PTA. All members are encouraged to participate actively in the election, to make the PTA more inclusive and constructive together.
HKBUAS Wong Kam Fai Secondary and Primary School
Chairperson of the15th PTA
Louie So
8 September 2023